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Modbus TCP Control Word for FC302


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The Control Word is set by serial communications from the PLC.

These are the values to insert into the control word to RUN Forward, RUN Reverse, STOP and RESET the drive over the Modbus TCP network.

// Run Forward
If ((RunForwardIn = True) and (RunReverseIn = False)) then ControlWord := 16#047C; End_If;

// Run Reverse
If ((RunForwardIn = False) and (RunReverseIn = True)) Then ControlWord := 16#847C;  End_If;

If ((RunForwardIn = FALSE) (*And (RunReverseIn = False)*) And (ResetIn = False)) then ControlWord := 16#043C; End_If;

If ((RunForwardIn = FALSE) (*And (RunReverseIn = False)*) And (ResetIn = True)) then ControlWord := 16#04BC; End_If;


Sample Horner PLC code in CScape 10 SP1 attached.


tcp demo.csp

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