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Converting Eint Values To Reals Using Scripted Text In A Plc


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EInt2Float Subroutine in Scripted Text on a Horner Series PLC.



(* EInt2Float *)
(* Convert Emotron EInt values to standard floating point. *)

If And_Mask(EIntIn,16#8000) = 0 then
EReal := ANY_TO_REAL(And_Mask(EIntIn,16#7FFF));

(* Get Mantissa and convert to real *)
TempWord := And_Mask(EIntIn,16#3FF);
TempInt := ANY_TO_INT(TempWord);
If And_Mask(EintIn,16#0400) = 16#0400 then TempInt := TempInt-16#0400; End_If;
EReal1 := ANY_TO_REAL(TempInt);

(* Get Exponent and convert to real *)
TempWord := And_Mask(EIntIn,16#3800);
TempInt := (ANY_TO_INT(TempWord))/2048;
If And_Mask(EIntIn,16#4000)=16#4000 then TempInt := TempInt - 8;
TempReal := ANY_TO_REAL(TempInt);

(* Combine Mantisa and Exponent and output. *)
EReal := EReal1 * EXPT(10, TempReal );



Typical Subroutine Call.
DispCurrent := eint2floatST(FDU2Curr);

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  • 7 years later...

Here is the Structured Text Subroutine code that can be imported to CScape Version 9.6 or later.

Right Click on Logic Modules and select Import Modules and chose eint2floadtST.XK5



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If you really want to do it the hardway, you can use ladder code (ugly!!)

Right Click on Logic Modules and select Import Modules and chose eint2floadtLD.XK5



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