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Transformer Incomer Acb Humming Noise


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Any one can explain if there is any harm from humming noise heard from air circuit breaker : we have 415 switch board having two incomers from transformers 3.3KV/415V , when bus coupler closed, and open one ACB incomer to work in one of the transformers, the current started hunting around 50 Amps, and heard humming noise from the air circuit breaker, although the load current was only 1200 amps while the ACB capacity is 2500 Amps, and the transformer 1600 KVA. The same didn't happen when taken the other transformer offline.

Why this humming noise and current fluctuation? is there any implication or danger, bearing in mind that we just returned everything back to normal and stopped the maintenance of the transformer. Shall we go ahead and ignore this noise?

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