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Flicker Compensators


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Dear all,

on factories where many single-phase intermittent welders are active 24 hours/24, to reduce flicker reflected to the main supply, do you have some recommended product to suggest ? Power supply of such factories is between 2 to 30 MVA.

Welding are short, 2 to 20 cycles , after that there are 40 to 100 cycles without welding.

I know some solutions, from Canada, from Israel and from Switzerland: Automatic Voltage Compensators, Dynamic Voltage Restorers, DSTATCOMs.


Static and rotating UPSs are too expensive for such sizes, we cannot consider them.


Do you have some specific experience in similar applications?

Thank you in advance.




Mario Maggi - Italy - http://www.evlist.it - https://www.axu.it

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Hi Mario


I can not come up with a good economic solution for you.

Please keep us informed if you do find a good solution.


Best regards,

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