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Let's open a pub

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How do you feel about opening a 'pub' style forum where the members of LMPforums can communicate about all things NON-TECHNICAL and get to know each other on a more personal basis? There's got to be more to life than motor control!




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by experience on other similar forums, this could be done but we have to state some rules: to avoid to discuss of politic or religious matters, otherwise messages will be deleted by the moderator.

Otherwise some conflicts could happen, and this is not in our intention.



Mario Maggi - Italy - http://www.evlist.it - https://www.axu.it

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Thanks for the feedback Mario. I think that you are absolutely spot on with your comments. Rules relating to discussions of race, religion and a variety of other sensitive issues would need to be established before the pub is built.


Needless to say, forum members have the opportunity RIGHT NOW to get to know each other through personal messaging (U2U) however as you can imagine if you had to go down that road to find out who you might have something in common with, it could take forever, particularly as the membership grows. In short, I think the U2U approach would be a de-motivator.


There's nothing like a pub to get people talking. We certainly don't want anyone brawling, so rules need to be established and anyone breaking them would run the risk of having their posts deleted or be blocked from posting again.


Hopefully Marke will embrace the idea and I can buy you all a drink.




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Sounds Like a pretty reasonable idea to me,

How about writing the rules.


I will set the forum up shortly.


Best regards,

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G'day marke,


No problem at all. However as it is late Friday afternoon here and we're well into beer o'clock, it's unlikely that I'll get to it until Monday/Tuesday of next week.


I don't see that they would be too difficult to do or for that matter too different from the standard board rules. Maybe just a couple of extra words here & there to reinforce what has already been said.


PS: As an added suggestion the existing 'humour' section could be redirected to appear in the pub, thus keeping the main forum strictly technical. Not sure how much work that would entail, but I do know that you're more than capable.


Good weekend to all.



Signing off for a wee dram.

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2014 now. Have not signed in for a while!. I wonder how most people see ABB in New Zealand?. Since I have had a couple of beers and have recently been very unhappy with the electric motor industry in NZ .....Thought I should start some pub-chat.


Who else thinks that big corporations are deliberately killing the Electric rewind/repair trade to better motor sales? ie: Baldor. Admittedly, they are a better motor than the old aseas, but seriously, they don't stand a chance against the superior Weg. There are so few people now who can be called a motor rewinder in New Zealand. This specialized trade is deliberately being crushed and knowledge is being lost.


Well.. That's my rant for tonight. I will wake up tomorrow, open my eyes and face another day knowing that my trade is dying a slow and painful death.

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